Thursday 19 June 2025
ADVANCED COURSE led by Professor Frances Cowan and Professor Linda de Vries
Learning objectives: These two days of illustrated lectures cover a wide range of problems seen on neonatal brain ultrasound examinations. It is designed for clinicians with some experience of neonatal cranial ultrasound, who want to be updated on what can be achieved with cranial ultrasound, in terms of diagnosis and prognosis.
08:30 Registration and light breakfast
08:55 Welcome, introduction, and housekeeping
09:00 Ultrasound imaging of brain maturation: normal findings versus pathological changes
Dr. Gerda Meijler
09:45 The neonatal cerebellum: normal development and injury
Dr. Sylke Steggerda
10:30 Tea and coffee break
10:45 Preterm: haemorrhage, post-hemorrhagic ventricular dilation and outcome
Prof. Linda de Vries
11:45 MRI in neonatal brain imaging
Dr. Zarina Assis
12:30 Lunch
13:20 Preterm: white matter injury
Prof Linda de Vries
14:20 How to perform ultrasound measurements
Dr. Lara Leijser
14:50 Tea and coffee break
15:10 Cranial ultrasound Doppler: technical and clinical aspects of measurements and vessel anatomy
Dr. Sylke Steggerda
16:00 Hands-on point of care simulation-based ultrasound experience in small group workshops (optional)
Drs Khorshid Mohammed, Hussein Zein, Lara Leijser, Sylke Steggerda, Gerda Meijler, Linda de Vries, Frances Cowan
End of day 2. Please complete the evaluation survey
Friday 20 June 2025
ADVANCED COURSE led by Professor Frances Cowan and Professor Linda de Vries
08:30 Registration and light breakfast
09:00 Congenital abnormalities
Prof Linda de Vries
09:45 Metabolic disease, tumours and neurocutaneous disorders
Prof Frances Cowan
10:30 Tea and coffee break
10:50 Assessing asphyxial damage in the term infant
Dr. Sylke Steggerda
11:35 Term Focal lesions
Prof Frances Cowan
12:20 Sinus venous thrombosis and associated lesions
Prof Linda de Vries
13:00 Lunch
13:50 Infections
Prof Linda de Vries
14:35 Neonatal cranial ultrasound imaging protocols: why and when
Dr. Lara Leijser
15:05 Tea and coffee break
15:30 Discussion session: Delegates, please bring examples of your own ultrasound
imaging cases you found interesting and would like to discuss – preferably sent to us beforehand in Powerpoint format
All speakers
16:00 Quiz of image interpretation, appropriate action, what to tell parents about scan findings
Prof Linda de Vries and Prof Frances Cowan
End of day 3 and course. Please complete the evaluation survey.